Artists- R.E. Wall and Margaret Dewar.
The Prescott Downtown Mural Project unveiled its first community art project on September 14th and 15th, 2007, the "Art for All" mural, located at 109.5 Sth. Granite St.
This 1400 sq. ft. mural boldly portrays Prescott's dynamic heritage.
Focusing on the role of the arts over the past 150 years, the mural illustrates Prescott's pioneer tradition, the rich theater history, the accomplishments of cowboy artists, and the contributions of the arts in present day Prescott.
Behind the Historic Whisky Row Alley, the mural complete with a gem studded mosaic by Mary Schulte, takes one back in time to wild western vaudeville, brings to life the songs of the lovesick cowboy, and highlights some of Prescott's oldest traditions, the 4th of July parade and a lively square dancing celebration.
In a growing arts destination, the "Art for All!" mural welcomes visitors to sample Prescott's heritage and living culture.
Once, complete, the Mural Mice Theater Troup celebrated with a play in front of the mural. A comical re-enactment of Gail Gardners "Sierry Peaks" left an audience of hundreds in tears. Devil Cow, played by Tom Von Deck, tried to erase the mural, but failed due to the efforts of the Mural Mice. Mural Mice Theater Troup 2007