Theater Works-Center for Performing Arts, Peoria Az. 2018

The Theater Works Mural was gifted to the Center for Performing Arts Center in Peoria Arizona by art philanthropist and local businessman Thomas Gyder. The Mural is the first in a series to be placed by Gyder and Mural Mice in Peoria's historic district. Two dancers liven up the interior front lobby of the theater as sets, props, costumes, and makeup are prepared for the show. Muralists R.E. Wall and Margaret Dewar dipped into an experimental Art Deco/Cubist style of painting to fit the atmosphere of the theater. The finished product left us all dipping into the arts.
The Theater Works mural was dedicated on April 6th, 2018 by Mayor Cathy Carlat and city councilwoman Vicki Hunt


Thank you to the staff of Murals Work Theater and the many supporters of the project.