Sound of Flight Benefit Takes the Stage

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The Second Phase of our 2015 Sound of Flight mural project is in full motion.

The Mural Mice are currently teamed up with artist Sky Black to paint the largest mural in Northern Arizona on the Orpheum Theater in downtown Flagstaff. It all began in April 2015, when project artists Margaret Dewar, R.E. Wall and Sky Black took to the streets on a mission to raise $40,000 in two months. Their grassroots effort included; tabling at First Friday and Farmers Market events, a sponsorship drive that brought in close to two dozen new sponsors, an on-line Crowd Share campaign that successfully raised $15,000, and a benefit concert.

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 All told, the fundraising campaign is close to a complete success. There is just one grant proposal to the Flagstaff Art Council yet to be considered in the equation, and we’re good-to-go.

Painting on the second half of the mural will begin in mid July and the completed mural will be celebrated in the Fall. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for supporting this amazing project.